26 02 2008


Originally uploaded by rosaleigh randall

My brother took apart our piano today in an attempt to repair the broken keys. he fixed them, hooray. But it is still terribly out of tune. I’d love to get it tuned and play it someday.


25 02 2008


Originally uploaded by rosaleigh randall

I’ve been lagging–my camera died and I worked all weekend. My bad. The others from the weekend are on my flickr. ๐Ÿ™‚


21 02 2008


Originally uploaded by rosaleigh randall

YAY film. I took this yesterday at Java Aroma. The cute girl let me behind the counter to take pictures, and this is from my Nikon FE. I developed the roll of film today in class, and the only photos that turned out well are the ones from the cafe. I was angry with myself at first, but now I’m pleased. There’s another shot from this adventure up on my flickr. ๐Ÿ™‚

ย I’ve been really hard on myself lately. I need to remember to have fun, not constantly critique myself to the point where itย kills the enjoyment.

I have some pictures from the eclipse too, but they need editing. That will be the task for this weekend. โค


20 02 2008


Originally uploaded by rosaleigh randall

So the girl at my favorite cafe let me behind the counter today to take pictures. Good thing I had my cameras on me! I also used a few rolls of film. Those should be developed and scanned tomorrow or friday. ๐Ÿ™‚


19 02 2008


Originally uploaded by rosaleigh randall

Photo for today, Feb. 19 2008.

Why today was pretty cool:

-played bass for about 30 min, which was awesome.
-worked on a project for photography class, which I will share once the pictures are developed
-spent time with my favorite (and only, lol) boyfriend
-had a nap
-developed film…even though the roll in general sucked, I missed the process. I have never enjoyed the smell of D-76 as much as I did today.


broken doll

18 02 2008

broken doll

Originally uploaded by rosaleigh randall

This is my photo of the day for February 18th, 2008.

When my mom was a teenager, she worked to support herself and her family. Dad lost his job. Mom wasn’t capable of working. For her 16th birthday, my grandpa gave her this cheap figurine. She hated the gift at the time and tossed it somewhere it couldn’t be seen.

20 years later, she realized how much the gift meant to her. She now considers it one of the most precious things she owns.

I think she is beautiful.

where my heart belongs.

17 02 2008



A little less than a year ago, I spent 5 days in New York. I have wanted to go back since the day I left.

Honestly, there is not a day that goes by in which I don’t think about that place. I miss it more than I can explain. I don’t care how cheesy this sounds–it was a trip that changed my life. I want to go back.

Tonight, I spent my evening watching the L Word and dreaming about places far away from where I currently reside. I plan to eat chocolate, drink water, sleep well, and wake up at a decent hour tomorrow morning. We will see how that goes.


Hello world!

17 02 2008

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!


17 02 2008

Hello blog.

I’m going to attempt to make my life interesting again. I’m going to do a Photo-a-day thing for the next year, starting tomorrow. Why tomorrow? The question is, why not tomorrow?

I became tired of myspace, it is dead to me. I want to focus on actual blogging. If you read, cool. if not, cool. I’ll use this to update with a photo a day. I will probably also use it to randomly rant. Ah, the wonders of the intarwebs. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maybe if I figure it out, I’ll cross-post this to livejournal? Maybe. I’m not sure if I am that tech savvy.

Kisses and cuddles to you.


17 02 2008

This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.